The Alpha J-Pole Jr Antenna is only 34 feet in length. The unique design characteristics of this 6-80 Meter HF JPole antenna enables it to approach resonance on the major HF bands (6/10/12/15/17/20/40/80 Meters), all of which presents an SWR that is low enough for external tuners to achieve a near perfect match.
Specifications- Weight: 1 pound
- Configuration: End-fed configurable as Sloped or Horizontal
- Frequency Coverage: 3.5-53 MHz (80-6 Meters) An external tuner is needed for a few bands.
- Power Rating: 500 watts PEP SSB (200W CW or 50W Digital)
- Length: 34 Feet
An optimum installation would be where the antenna is deployed as a sloper with the high (feed point) end at 30 feet or higher and the low end at 10 feet or higher. We do not recommend installing this antenna as a Vertical due to users experiencing high noise (RFI) and unpredictable radiation patterns due to proximity of coax, which also allows for common mode feedback to increase.
The 34 foot long Alpha J-Pole Jr Antenna can handle 500 watts PEP SSB (200W CW or 50W Digital).
We do not recommend installing this antenna as a Vertical due to verticals being inherently prone to high noise (RFI) and unpredictable radiation patterns due to proximity of coax, which also allows for common mode feedback to increase. No Balun or air choke coil should be used at the antenna.
We also recommend that you ground your tuner and rig. The manner in which coax is run from the feed point does not matter, as long as it does not run within 18 inches and in parallel to other components of the antenna system. For maximum effectiveness, keep your feed point as high as possible and run the antenna as a sloper for good NVIS and DX results, as a flat top for good NVIS results