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6 Band HF Mobile/Base/Portable Antenna

6 Band HF Mobile/Base/Portable Antenna

  • £89.86
Tax included.

6 Band HF Mobile/Base/Portable Antenna Thank you for purchasing one of our 6 band mobile antennae, This antenna is suitable for use on an S0239 mount preferably Directly earthed or counterpoised, magmounts will be ok But tuning may be adversely affected . It is recommendedTo use an internal or external tuner. Impedance äóñ 50 Ohms Coverage äóñ 30m/20m/17m/15m/12m/11m/10mSWR can alter drastically depending on each setup it can be as low as 1.2:1 up to 3:1 on20m/15m/12m/10m/11m and 2.5:1 to 3.5:1 on 17m and 30m To assemble the antenna screw the coil to the mountOf your choice (Do not over tighten),Next fit top whip to bottom half of the whip and tighten grub screw with provided allen key lastly fit whip carefully to coilPlease take care when assembling antennaIf done incorrectly can cause damage whichWill void the warranty.