Airspy Spyverter R2

  • £59.95
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Airspy Spyverter R2

SpyVerter R2 builds on top of the successful SpyVerter architecture and improves some of the key points of high performance HF reception. We designed the SpyVerter R2 to extend the coverage of the Airspy receiver series to the HF down to virtually DC with world class dynamic range, frequency stability and sensitivity to rival with high end analog designs at a very affordable price. You have no excuse to use low performance receivers that require more filtering than your entire shack, killing the signals of interest along the way!

The architecture is still based on our switched double balanced mixer that moves the entire HF spectrum to the VHF band between 120 MHz and 180 MHz. We replaced the LO generator with a programmable, low phase noise PLL with 0.5 PPM VCTCXO. The Voltage control of this VCTCXO allows fine calibration of the operating frequency at the factory.

The embedded microcontroller provides both the programming of the PLL (Si5351C) and the voltage control via its embedded DAC. Once the DAC is settled and the PLL is programmed, the microcontroller enters a deep sleep mode to eliminate any interference.

We also added a 10MHz reference input clock for professional usages where phase coherency is required.

When used with an Airspy receiver, the SpyVerter R2 can be powered from the integrated Bias-Tee, and only uses ~10mA of current (versus 47mA in the old design). This improves battery operation dramatically!

An extra USB power supply input is provided for compatibility with receivers like RTL-SDR.

Key Features/Specification

  • RF Input 1kHz to 60 MHz

  • IF Frequency 120 MHz - Positive Image

  • Technology: Switched Double Balanced Mixer

  • Conversion loss: 5.2 dB typ.

  • 35 dBm IIP3

  • LO leakage: -42dBm typ. (12 dB lower than the original SpyVerter)

  • Phase noise at 10kHz separation: -122 dBc/Hz

  • RF Filtering: Low Pass Filter with corner at 65 MHz - 75dB ultimate rejection

  • IF Filtering: Band Pass Filter with corners at 120 MHz and 180 MHz - 75dB ultimate rejection

  • Max RF power: 10 dBm

  • Bias-tee voltage: 4.2v to 5.5v

  • Current consumption: 10mA typ.


  • Airspy R2

  • Airspy Mini

  • HackRF One