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NISSEI RX 103 VSWR Meter 1.6-60MHz SWR Ham Radio CB

  • £89.95
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NISSEI RX 103 VSWR Meter 1.6-60MHz SWR

Forward/reflected average/PEP X needle 1.6-60MHz 20W/200W/1kW SO-239 12v

These are high quality cross-needle meters. They have provision for backlighting from an external 12V DC source. The required DC lead is included in the package. The advantage of cross needle readout is that no sensitivity adjustment is needed for VSWR ratio readings and of course you can instantly see both forward and reflected power. Features: Large Cross-Needle Meter Forward & Reflected Power Average or PEP readings True directional coupler LED backlighting Three colour scale for easy reading.

Switched power levels 20 / 200 / 1KW