DBA 270 Dual band pre amplifier 2m 70cm 144-146 430-440
The Dualband Mast-Preamplifier DBA-270 improves the receiving characteristics of amateur radio stations in the 2-m and 70-cm-Band. Due to the built-in Diplexer only one HF-socket for the combi-antenna and the coaxial cable has to be connected. The maximum output power is 100 Watt. As all preamplifiers made by SSB-Electronic GmbH, the DBA-270 offers direct feeding as well as remote feeding. Direct feeding is done over a UHF socket, remote feeding the existing coaxial cable is used, as usual. You should connect a crossover network Type DCC-12. The DBA-270 can be switched by the transceiver via the coaxial cable, if the transceiver can contrrol a mast preamplifier.
Technical Data
Frequency Range 144-146 430-440 MHz
Noise figure typ. 0,5 0,7 MdB
Amplification 20 24 dB
HF-power 200 W SSB 100 W FM
Insertion loss 0,1 0,2 dB
Operation voltage 12-14 V
Current consumption 250 mA
Mast diameter 58 mm