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Diamond HV7CX 6 Band Mobile Antenna

Diamond HV7CX 6 Band Mobile Antenna

  • £154.49
Tax included.

Diamond HV7CX 6 Band Mobile Antenna

6 band capable mobile antenna covering 40m/15m/10m/6m/2m/70cm. With the addition of an optional loading coil 30m/20m can also be added . Unlike some similar antennae, the HV7CX does not require you to change coils or plug positions in order to change bands. Once assembled it works on all bands. The antenna can be laid flat using a special spring hinge, ideal for entering the garage/car parks. Digital ready.

Frequency: 7.0 to 7.1MHz/21.00 to 21.45MHz/28.00 to 29.7MHz/50 to 52MHz/144 to 146MHz/430 to 440MHz

Length: 1.9m

Weight: 660g(with 7MHz loading coil) Gain: 2.15dBi(144MHz), 5.5dBi(430MHz) VSWR: Less than 1.5:1(21/28/50/144/430MHz), Less than 2.0:1(7/14MHz)

Max power rating: 120W SSB(7/14/21/28MHz),200W SSB(50/144/430MHz) Impedance: 50ohms

Connector: PL-259 Type: 1/4 wave (7/14/21/28/50MHz), 1/2 wave (144MHz), 2 x 5/8 wave (430MHz)